Thursday, January 1, 2009

Finding the Courage to Mourn

It is a new year, but often the pain of past problems continues to plague your heart and brings lingering grief. Just because the date on the calendar changes does not mean that the pain in your heart will change. So, how do you gain “Hope for the Day”? How can your heart feel comforted?

To mourn is to be comforted. That sounds like something very strange, but there is truth in that teaching. To mourn is to be comforted. Mourning is not enjoyable. Mourning is not fun. Mourning hurts. If we had the choice, mourning would never be a part of our lives. But, to mourn is to be comforted.

When you find the courage to mourn – to really and truly feel your pain and share it – you will begin to notice that changes within your heart begin to take place. When the pain is released it leaves room for hope to begin doing its job. When you “let go” of your pain, you can begin to feel the heavy weight of mourning be lifted. Through your mourning, you will be shown the path to peace.

Be encouraged today! As your tears fall, know that they are being caught by the loving arms of your Savior. Know that you have angels unaware surrounding you to give you comfort. Know that your hope is much larger than your pain! --Clara Hinton

“I don’t understand everything there is to know about mourning, but I do know that I will see a day when the sun will be shining once again!” --Clara Hinton

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” –Matt. 5:4

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