Monday, November 27, 2006

Hope is Alive!

Sometimes all we want to know is when the lonely ache of loss is going to go away. We never knew that anything could hurt this deep and this long, and we seek answers to find some relief. How will I know when I am beginning to find some healing? What can I do today to make this pain feel better? How do I get back my zest for living? When will the world feel like a safe, happy place again?

Loss changes everything about our “normal” in an instant. Suddenly our world feels upside down and out of control. Our thoughts race, but they only fall into a dark tunnel of fear and loneliness. Nothing seems to fit any more. The pain of loss is everywhere.

There is no easy way to explain how healing takes place except by saying that when the seeds of hope begin to sprout, life begins to once again have meaning. Hope is not pretending that there isn’t any sorrow. Rather, hope is calling on that inner strength that is part of each of us to sustain us until we gradually find happiness again.

There is strength found in everyday things . . . . . smiles, kind words, the warm rays of sunshine, the listening ear of a friend. Even the far away sounds of the songbird whistling a thankful tune can begin to unleash that inner strength found in hope.

Be assured that hope is alive, and it is gently tending to the needs of your heart. The day will arrive when you will know that joy has filled your soul once again! --Clara Hinton

“Hope always arrives on time with a special song for the heart.” --Clara Hinton

“For I hope in Thee, O Lord; Thou wilt answer, O Lord, my God.” --Psalm 38:15

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