Monday, April 27, 2009

A New Season of Hope!

All winter, in most parts of this land, the earth has been barren and cold. Nothing has been growing, and the ground has seemed lifeless. However, during this time, the roots have been gaining nourishment in preparation for the season of spring!!!! Spring is a time when the earth comes alive again and blooms with magnificent beauty!

Allow this thought to break through the chains of distrust that often comes with loss. Remember that the season of sorrow will in time give way to a new season of hope and joy! -Clara Hinton

“Just as I trust the changing of the seasons, I will trust that my winter will turn into spring, my sorrow will turn into joy.” -- Clara Hinton

“Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles.” --Isaiah 40:31a

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just for Today

Are you struggling with pain and sorrow today? Does life have you feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel? Is your heart feeling broken and hopeless? Then, think on this:

Just for today –
I can face my fears with courage.
I can set aside my worries.
I can think healthy thoughts.
I can read something hopeful.
I can say thank you for one blessing.
I can look to the heavens with awe.

Just for today –
I can remind myself that I am never alone.
I can forgive others and myself.
I can imagine a time when I will feel happy.
I can step out of the darkness and appreciate the sun.
I can count the stars and know that I am counted among them.

Just for today – I can choose to live with hope. – Clara Hinton

“My heart is lifted up when I focus on hope.” -- Clara Hinton

“Let me hear Thy loving kindness in the morning; for I trust in Thee.” -- Psalm 143: 8

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I Can Do It -- Just for Today!

Are you struggling with pain and sorrow today? Does life have you feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel? Is your heart feeling broken and hopeless? Then, think on this:

Just for today –
I can face my fears with courage.
I can set aside my worries.
I can think healthy thoughts.
I can read something hopeful.
I can say thank you for one blessing.
I can look to the heavens with awe.

Just for today –
I can remind myself that I am never alone.
I can forgive others and myself.
I can imagine a time when I will feel happy.
I can step out of the darkness and appreciate the sun.
I can count the stars and know that I am counted among them.

Just for today – I can choose to live with hope. – Clara Hinton

“My heart is lifted up when I focus on hope.” -- Clara Hinton

“Let me hear Thy loving kindness in the morning; for I trust in Thee.”-- Psalm 143: 8

Monday, April 6, 2009

Healing is a Process -- Give Yourself Time!

Sometimes the beauty of the world seems so terribly painful. It seems all wrong to be able to enjoy the peace and calm of a beautiful sunset. It’s unbearable to visit places that you once loved because your loved one is no longer here to enjoy those sights and sounds with you. The fragrances of spring become like a stabbing pain because the one you loved to share these experiences with is gone. Life loses its beauty when we are in the deep pit of grief.

There will come a day, though, when you can look at a flower and see its beauty. You will watch the setting sun and feel calm and peace clear through to your soul. You will no longer have guilt for enjoying the beauty of this life because you trust that the one you love is in better hands than ours. You allow yourself the freedom to experience joy minus any guilt because you know that your loved one would want exactly that for you – to know the beauty of this world and to feel at peace with all of life. – Clara Hinton

“Healing from grief is a process and it happens one step at a time. The journey is slow at times, but you will arrive!” --Clara Hinton

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” --Psalms 34:18