Monday, February 26, 2007

How Do You Explain a Broken Heart?

Grief is such a difficult thing to explain with words. How do you tell somebody what a broken heart feels like? How can you explain the feeling of emptiness that echoes like a hollow hole? How can you ever explain the constant gnawing that overrides every thought you have day and night reminding you of your loss? Grief. It’s something that really is not able to be understood completely unless you’ve gone through it.

Life following loss feels as though we have been placed in a foreign land and we cannot speak the language. We try hard, but nobody understands. They speak another language— that of happiness and joy. Our words consist of sorrow and pain. We feel as though we’re not going to make it in this new place, and we long for nothing more than to go back to how things were before our loss. Yet, we know that’s not even remotely possible.

Hope is something that crosses over all borders and travels into every land. Hope can find the tiniest crack and begin to take root and grow. And, when hope anchors to an empty heart, it begins to fill in the holes and we begin to feel like we are no longer strangers in a foreign land. Hope gives us a reason to go on when all logic tells us that we can’t.

God has given us an abundance of hope that surrounds us every day to provide healing when we feel so alone and lost. The sun, the moon, and the stars all point in the direction of God, the Father of all. The ocean and the miracles that lie below the sea remind us that God is always in control. We are not alone, nor have we been forgotten. And, the best part of all is that hope arrives at just the moment when it is needed most! --Clara Hinton

“Hope refreshes the weary soul.” --Clara Hinton

“Do not fear, I will help you.” --Isaiah 41:13b

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