Friday, February 26, 2010

Remembering Happy Times Brings New Hope!

Any kind of loss is hard. Loss of job. Loss of home. Loss of a beloved pet. Loss of a friendship. Most difficult of all to bear is the loss of a loved one—especially the loss of a child. Children are never supposed to die before their parents!

How does one find hope when all hope seems to be gone? Somewhere on this journey of grief, we begin to remember happy times. At first it’s painful and often seems a bit disrespectful, but eventually those memories bubble up and fill our hearts with joy!

The happy memories become a healing salve to the raw pain that we once felt. Once of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves (and this takes time to reach this point) is to be able to remember the times of laughter and fun shared with our loved one!

Give yourself permission to remember the happy times! When you do remember those times of laughter, fresh hope will flood your soul with healing peace and joy! –Clara Hinton

“I will remember my loved one with joy, and I will feel at peace.”—Clara Hinton

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22

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