Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There is Comfort Found in Quiet Time with God

Hurry, hurry, hurry! Rushing here and there and really getting nowhere seems to be the way we live life when all is normal and well. BUT, when grief strikes the depths of our heart, we suddenly find that a song of a different beat is sung. “Time stands still.”

Quiet times become much harder to handle. Our loneliness seems to shout out to us in the silence and reminds us that nothing is right, and life has been turned upside-down. We grasp for some normalcy of the hustle and bustle of life again, but it doesn’t happen. Not yet. Not when grief is raw and new.

Busy lives are most generally happy lives, but there does come a season when it is good to be still. Sometimes we have to wait out the storm and regroup. We need time and space and even some silence to find that place called our “new normal.”

In the battlefront of our tears and grief, we often find the most comfort from retreating from the hurriedness of life for a while and just being still. Sitting among the solitude of nature is often grief’s most helpful comfort. In the still of the night is the time we can most clearly hear the whisper of our closest Friend, our Father, our Comforter.

Don’t fear the quiet; rather embrace it for a season. Take time to listen for the quiet, yet powerful voice of hope whispering in your ear daily. Hope will eventually take root in the very depths of your heart and grow into a spontaneous, healthy new joy! --Clara Hinton

“Without fear, I will sit quietly for a season in my house of grief until my newfound hope appears.” --Clara Hinton

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” -Psalm 23:1

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