Monday, September 13, 2010

How Will I Get Through the Next Day?

How will I do it? How will I get through the next day when I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel? Who really understands? Does anyone want to sit down beside me and help me through this mess in my life? I feel so alone, so broken, and so helpless!

Every person who has experienced loss has felt those same feelings of helplessness and abandonment. Life feels shattered and it seems to us that we will never be
put back together again. Our burdens seem far too big for us, and so many times we give up searching for hope.

Hold on! Take a moment to stop and breathe slowly. Close your eyes and reflect on the moment. Listen to your own heart beating and know that as long as you have life inside of you, you have HOPE!

We each have had deep moments of pain and darkness, and during those times it is hard, if not impossible, to imagine ever seeing the light of day again. But, God designed us in His image, and He has not left us alone. Our Creator has sent us the sun, the moon, and the stars to shed light even during our darkest hours.

Take a walk outside for a moment every day just to listen to the sounds of nature. Do you hear the gentle breeze blowing through the trees? Can you hear the songbird singing a song of thanks and praise in the distance? Look to the heavens and follow the clouds. Stare at them until you can see beyond the misty blue to find the breaking of a new dawn. These are gifts of hope for us! These are our daily reminders that each day brings new hope and new strength! We have not been left alone in our pain! Rather, our heavenly Father has wrapped us in His arms of love and will never let go! --Clara Hinton

“Every sunrise is a personal reminder of new hope!” -- C. Hinton

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.” -- Matthew 5:4 (From the Sermon on the Mount)

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